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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

World's Best Interviews Ever and of All Time: Gurganus, Lisicky!

Listen to episodes 21 and 22 of the award-winning broadcast, with guest authors Paul Lisicky and Allan Gurganus!

Also in 21, Marc and John discuss the Morning News Tournament of Books and debate who's the better recidivist male between Updike's Rabbit or Henry Bech.  One of John and Marc's cherished students, Trisha, calls in with a question, and one of Marc and John's parents, Jack Nardone, shares his thoughts on Erik Larson's Devil in the White City!

In 22, our co-hosts highlight their favorite fiction characters of all time AND ever, and they share their love of McSweeney's and other American literary magazines . . . at least those worthy of mention.  (Our co-hosts, after all, have to be aware of the ripple effects of their statements on unstable governments and fragile economies!)

Don't worry -- it's okay you missed it -- but catch up before next Tuesday!

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