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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Bridget Jones Trivia Loser to Shave

I know we've kept our discussion light to date but please pardon us for a moment as we reflect on a very serious matter during this holiday season . . .

Our Beards!

Inspired by baseball players in Oakland and Boston, and as part of No-Shave November, Marc and John have been crafting and caring for these precious facial features more carefully than Mr. Miyagi did his Bonsai trees.  (It's a cultural reference from the 80s, young people, you know, before you were a consideration, and posting a link would require us to reflect on our advancing age.)

In a development we hardly understand, November was also Movember, in celebration of the mustache.  This seems to us an unnecessary conflation on behalf of the facial hair community, so much facial hair excitement all in one month, but we also see the mustache as -- though a symbol of unbridled virility in this guy and that guy -- a worthy consequence of losing a critical Read First, Ask Later contest.

So . . . for our end-of-the-year episode, on December 17th, listen in as Marc and John answer trivia questions related to the rich, elaborate, and complicated world of all things Bridget Jones, as a winner is decided.  The exact terms:                                                                 the winner chooses the style in which the loser will shave.

Again, extended adolescents, relevant google terms are mustache, mutton chops, and the connector.  Or just watch a movie from the 70s.  For the record, we're not saying which movies.And stay tuned for pictures of the build up -- mostly of crumbs and dander in our beards -- and the contest itself, all a precursor to a stylistic precedent in the arena of facial hair.

You know, in addition to books, stuff that really matters.

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