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Tuesday, January 21, 2014


The good news:  we're back!  The bad news:  climate change.

There's so much to summarize from our first season of Read First, Ask Later, including the extraordinarily wonderful authors who have called in, but I think this says it all.

In the Bridget Jones Diary trivia contest in Episode 14, Marc LOST to John (and Susan Petrole, our guest questioner) and paid the consequences.  By a hair!  Actually it was many hairs.  In short, his students were dumbfounded (most), disgusted (some), disquieted (a few), and impressed (one or two).

What's coming next?  Well, as we're negotiating royalties we have to stay hush hush.  By royalties we mean effusive thank you's and the delivery of listeners / readers in Kazakhstan and Indonesia.  And by negotiating we mean begging.  And by hush hush we mean we'll tell you tomorrow.  Until then, followers and listeners.  

Now get back to your reading . . . 

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