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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Season 2 Authors to Include Schappell, Gurganus, and Hawthorne!

Poor Marc and John.  They've been talking books since their last episode on December 17th but you haven't been listening!  Part of the reason you haven't been listening is they haven't been broadcasting!  So join them again on Tuesday, January 28th LIVE from 3:30 to 4:30 on and for their next talk about books in a pretention- and cliche-free zone, or click on the link above for the podcast to follow.  Enter at your own risk!

The author lineup is nothing short of astounding, thanks to (frankly) the generosity of our authors.  We can't wait!  (It's tentative so don't get too far ahead of yourselves.)

1/28:  Paul Vitagliano, or DJ Paul V, author of "Born This Way"

2/4:  Helen Frost, author of "Keesha's House"

2/11:  Heather Jacobs, editor of "Big Fiction"

2/18:  Elissa Schappell, novelist, editor, essayist

2/25:  Pam Houston, author of "Contents May Have Shifted"

3/4:  Nathaniel Hawthorne, screenwriter, miscellaneous crew

3/11:  (Spring Break!)

3/18:  Paul Lisicky, author of "Unbuilt Projects"

3/25:  Allan Gurganus, author of "Local Souls"

4/1:  Eric Spitznagel, journalist, writer, editor

4/8:  Caketrain Editors

4/15:  Alexander Hamilton, founding father of the United States

4/22:  Aaron Burr, a better shot

The author interview is our signature segment but as you know week-to-week we'll also be covering book news and discussing what we're reading.  And don't forget to CALL IN between 4:15 and 4:30 of our live broadcasts at 610.799.4141 or 610.799.1891.  We want to hear from you!

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